UK PLUS 東京 IELTS専門塾 マンツーマン
UK PLUSは、英国の公的な国際文化交流機関であるブリティッシュカウンシルの元講師が運営しています。
レッスンではspeaking模擬試験とフィードバックを毎回行い、writingも宿題として毎回課題が出されます。 スピーキングとライティングの採点基準を明確に伝授することによって、効率的に試験対策ができるように工夫され、IELTS受験に際しての英語力を効果的に引き出すのを目的としています。
講師紹介 ジョン スノー
CELTA(ケンブリッジ英語指導資格) IELTS指導歴15年
著者 ジョン・スノー(UK PLUS代表) 出版社 KADOKAWA
コースの内容Contents of the course
Study and Teaching Cycle

Our IELTS lessons follow a simple yet effective cycle, consisting of three
stages: the students receive Input – Practice – Feedback; the teachers
provide Teaching – Testing – Teaching. In a lesson, this cycle
may be completed just twice or several times. The time spent on each stage
varies, depending on the target material and the needs of the students,
but typically the ratio between the three stages is 20 – 60 – 20, with
the greatest amount of time being spent on practice.
The Building Blocks to Success in IELTS
Skills include understanding the marking criteria and requires of
IELTS, as well general exam skills such as skimming and scanning in Reading
and asking for assistance in Speaking.
Learner Training teaches students how to study by themselves.
It includes useful web sites, vocabulary building, and shadowing techniques.
Confidence is vital in the Speaking Section and is acquired through
speaking practice, mock tests, and constructive feedback.
General Knowledge is essential in all Sections of IELTS. Particularly
in the Writing and Speaking Sections. Students gain understanding of social
issues involving health, education, culture, crime and punishment, the
environment and more.
English Ability of each student will increase as they improve
their pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and fluency.